
Nasa’s Big Surprise

What could it be? It’s possible the announcement relates to water ice around the moon’s south pole, considered a possible future resource for astronauts on...


Here’s why windows users should buy an Android phone

Microsoft updates its Android product line faster


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Fun: No way!

Merriam-Webster defines fun as: A mood for finding or making amusement. Can you remember the last time you were in 'A mood for making amusement?' Better question:...

Streaming Video Speed Trial

Ignore everything else ppplluueeze. This site is for testing and in no way reflects the content or mechanics of the end result product.


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Fun: No way!

Merriam-Webster defines fun as: A mood for finding or making amusement. Can you remember the last time you were in 'A mood for making amusement?' Better...

Streaming Video Speed Trial

Ignore everything else ppplluueeze. This site is for testing and in no way reflects the content or mechanics of the end result product.

Brush ’em Clean

Although examples of the toothbrush can be found dating as back as ancient Egypt, it wasnt until the 20th century the brushing of teeth...

Cartoon Saturday

Here's the text

Retro Branding Examples

Brian and Randy - I posted these images to help with the branding and visuals you're thinking about. Like any or none of them, they're...

Money: it’s a Drag

Let's test the video embed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0kcet4aPpQ&vl=pt It's still a drag

a niche in time

I'm not sure when exactly it was, but about six months ago I was struck by the idea to spin up a personal blog...

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