Ignore everything else ppplluueeze. This site is for testing and in no way reflects the content or mechanics of the end result product.
Streaming Video Speed Trial
Brush ’em Clean
Although examples of the toothbrush can be found dating as back as ancient Egypt, it wasnt until the 20th century the brushing of teeth was reserved
Retro Branding Examples
Brian and Randy –
I posted these images to help with the branding and visuals you’re thinking about. Like any or none of them, they’re there as idea generators only. All vector art, each can be broken down into individual pieces, and since they’re vector, you can blow them up or shrink as you see fit.
You mentioned 80’s and 90’s retro style as being a possible direction for the branding and logo design. This first image is a Google screencap searching for “90’s popart.”

I have loads of those types of images you can choose from, as shown in the below pics:
An intentional ‘non-attention’ grabber designed for the repeat visitor.

More Landing Page Examples

Vintage signage font. Used for product tagging, site colors, item checkout, backgrounds, etc.
Clean, not too flashy, professional looking.

The distressed look is gaining popularity for its simple, elegant design. Reminiscent of faded and stone-washed blue jeans.

Movie Posters – “Distressed Look”
90’s locker-sticker look.

Notebook Doodles

Let me know if I’ve missed the mark, and by how far. We’ve had but a single Zoom meeting, and most of that time was spent on introductions, gaining each others’ trust, and connection finagling. I could be way off base here, or spot on. Also, if you get some time, feel free to send me any ‘look and feel’ links you like and why. I may have similarly styled images stored away somehwere.
a niche in time
I’m not sure when exactly it was, but about six months ago I was struck by the idea to spin up a personal blog and use it as the place readers could easily find more information pertaining to my social media posts.
Although I am happy with the end product, what started out as just another ‘good idea’ quickly grew into a much larger project than I anticipated, sucking more and more of my time and resources.
I am happy with the end product
If your experience with a ‘good idea’ is anything like mine, you’re already painfully aware of the list of unknown challenges the idea has to overcome before ever seeing the light of day.
This ‘good idea’ as it turned out was no exception.
First on the list unknown challenges
What really makes a technology article really stand out from is when it simultaneously report and explain out can be seen when reporting and simultaneously explaining simultaneously. toward ost well-versed technology reporting these days includes an extra paragraph or two dedicated to breaking down the ‘not so easy to understand’
If you are at all familiar with my posts and Tweets, you already know how much I care for the wellbeing of people that are less fortunate than myself. – I do my best to keep that in mind when Tweeting, or posting to Reddit and any of my other social media haunts.
If it’s your first-time here, welcome aboard the crazy train!
There are so many things I want to share, I’m confused and don’t have the foggiest idea where to begin.
Maybe a couple of FAQ’s will work:
- Your posts generally make sense. But every so often, I see a Tweet that makes almost no sense. Why?
There are many, many reasons I post the way I do; all of them different. The majority of the time though, I post to further a conversation; sometimes, however, I post with more nefarious intent. I’ll have either ‘sensed’ a security threat or one of my PC scanners was tripped and I’m on a hunt to track the baddie down. Sometimes using code, no plain English– (even swatting hackers behind the curtain has certain protocol)
But I do promise: Anything ‘really‘ weird you might see is meant to identify and eradicate a possible threat to the Twitterverse. Perceived or real, I’m self-obligated to track, hunt, and eradicate bad guys.
- ok, but what about those lame ‘not so weird,’ but still a bit cryptic’ posts / Tweets?

Sometimes I need to post ‘cryptic’ but readable to avoid the data mining bots. Both the Twitter and Homebrews bots are royal pains to deal with, but if I want to remain on the Twitter API discussion lists, I’m obligated to report all bot sightings to Twitter Dev. I avoid all that when mixing the keywords in the sentence structure. (It’s kind of fun, actually. haha)
- so what’s this blog for again?
I thought it high-time I shared some details about ‘who’ I am, what I’m about, thoughts on freedom and liberty, where our country may be headed, and what we can expect in the future. – As this is the first post, I’ll need some feedback on whether or not it’s a good idea to continue. If it’s not worth your time to read, please let me know. For me, Troll-bashing never gets old.
I can give a heads-up if the opposite turns out to be true. I have hundreds of balls to bones TRL stories to share. From Scary SCUBA dives while deployed and ‘How-to’ not lose your Twitter cool while still making your point… ‘How-to’ keep your online self safe… Air Traffic Control Near misses…
…Like I said hundreds.
Or maybe you’d like an all-expense-paid, first-hand retelling of the web’s history? — Yeah. I was there in OKC in full military regalia when it went live. I can even tell you about the OKC bombing. Because I was there. I even have a story of the time Toby Keith stopped into my PC shop to have his 486DX repaired PRONTO. The bus was all gassed up and ready to roll-out as soon as I finished.
Now THAT was a wild time!
Fun: No way!
Merriam-Webster defines fun as: A mood for finding or making amusement.
Can you remember the last time you were in ‘A mood for making amusement?’
Better question: How many times over the last year did you find yourself in ‘A mood?’
Like many, I bear the scars of insecurity and abuse from childhood. Mom escapes abusive relationship, does her best, not good enough, begin unannounced DFACS inspections, off to foster home, back to mom, foster again.
Main: Fun is a necessary part of a healthy lifestyle.
Saturday’s are reserved for fun